New York State requires businesses to have a specific business safety plan in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all farms, both food and non-food producing. In addition, a well-written and executed business safety plan will help reduce business liability risk during and after the pandemic. A Cornell Task Force recently developed materials to directly support farms in the plan writing process.
Below you will find helpful links about the NY Forward Business Safety Plan, which includes overview articles, support documents, webinars, trainings, written examples, and a link to the Business Safety Plan Template that farmers can use to create their own safety plan. Lastly, there is a list of general links to other agencies and organizations that have created other materials designed to help the farming community during this period of COVID-19.
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NY Forward Business Safety Plan:
Overview Document--all farms are required to have a written safety plan
Business Safety Plan Template--a template farms can use to create their own written safety plan
Business Safety Plan Considerations and Examples--a team of Cornell Cooperative Extension professionals with important information and concepts for you to consider when you write your plan
COVID-19 General Response Links:
New York Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
Food Production, Processing & Safety Questions
Employment & Agricultural Workforce Questions
Cornell Small Farms Resiliency Resources
NY FarmNet--Financial & Mental Health Resources for Farmers
Coronovirus Info at the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets
Last updated July 24, 2020