4-H to make the best better girls STEM

4-H to make the best better.

What is 4-H?

Oswego County 4-H celebrated its centennial year from October 2021 to October 2022, but this video gives a short summary of what we do:

4-H Community...

Helps youth learn new skills, make new friends, and build the confidence they need to succeed. Whether is it designing a rocket or creating fleece mittens, 4-H is more than anyone has ever imagined.

4-H is the largest youth organization in the world! In 4-H you can have fun with:

  • Science, Engineering, Technology
  • Animal Science
  • Natural Resources
  • Plant Science
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Fiber Science
  • Youth Community Action
  • Trips & Tours

4-H is people sharing, doing, learning together in all kinds of projects, events, and activities. Members choose projects that fir their interests and the places they live. Group activities and events like fairs, trips, leader training, fundraising, and achievement programs provide opportunities and learning experiences.

4-H is open to all youth, ages 5 - 19 regardless of race, sex, national origin, creed, or handicap. Most youth choose to join 4-H to be part of a 4-H club; however, some youth participate in 4-H through school field trips, afterschool programs, and summer camp opportunities.

4-H is an informational education program for youth. Designed to teach life skills, 4-H is built on the subject matter projects developed by Cornell Cooperative Extension and by the National 4-H Council. This information is used by interested adults who serve as volunteer leaders. Cooperative Extension 4-H is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cornell University (New York State Land Grant College), and the county Legislature. The union of these organizations and funds provides the materials, tools, and professional staff needed to support our volunteers and family participants.


Linda Brosch
4-H Team Coordinator
315-963-7286 ext 400

Last updated July 23, 2024