Hemlock Woolly Adelgid invasive species program

Learn more about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and how it might be affecting trees around you!


Invasive Species Around Us - HWA

  • Sunday, February 5, 2023, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, or HWA, is an invasive insect that is attacking and killing Eastern Hemlock trees in New York State. In April 2021, HWA was found in Oswego County and has been spotted in our neighboring counties, as well. Join our environmental educator for a presentation on what exactly HWA is, how to detect it, and what destruction it can cause to our hemlock forests. The Center has many hemlock trees throughout the trails, so (time permitting) following the presentation, the group will go outside to observe and familiarize with Hemlock trees and talk about signs of HWA.


Only $4.00 per person up to $12.00 per family. Children under the age of three are free.




Sarah McCormick
4-H Natural Resources Educator
315-963-7286 ext. 401


Amboy 4-H Environmental Education Center
748 State Route 183
Williamstown, New York 13493

Last updated January 23, 2023